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(CNN) 加大圣芭芭拉分校杀手:22岁了,我还是处男

  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:liudatou001 转载请注明出处
  Santa Barbara, California (CNN) -- Elliot Rodger's difficulties with women were so devastating to him that he vowed to kill anyone he couldn't win over.
  "My orchestration of the Day of Retribution is my attempt to do everything, in my power, to destroy everything I cannot have," Rodger wrote in a 140-page manifesto obtained by CNN affiliate KEYT.
  加州圣芭芭拉CNN——Elliot Rodger把不到妹的困扰如此之深,以至于发誓杀掉任何他不能把到的妹。
  "All of those beautiful girls I've desired so much in my life, but can never have because they despise and loathe me, I will destroy."
  He also said he despised men who had luck with women and said he would eliminate them, too.
  "I will kill them all and make them suffer, just as they have made me suffer," he added. "It is only fair."
  On Friday, that "day of retribution" came. Authorities say Rodger, 22, fatally stabbed three men in his home before killing two women outside a sorority house and then shooting a man at a deli in Isla Vista, California.
  By the end of his rampage, six victims were dead. Rodger died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. And perhaps the only clues to the reasons are in the gunman's haunting dissertation of his life.
  “我要杀死她们,让她们受苦,因为她们曾让我痛苦不堪”, 他又说:“很公平”。本周五,报应之日到了,当局称22岁的Rodger在家里捅死了三个男人,又在姊妹会门前杀死了两个女人,最后在食品店有枪杀了一个男人。
  A life-changing divorce
  For most of his early childhood, Rodger was a happy boy. But he said his first major traumatic event came when he learned at age 7 that his parents were divorcing.
  He described his parents' divorce as a devastating, "life-changing event," but said he gained more respect for his father after he quickly acquired a girlfriend.
  在他的大部分童年时代,他是一个快乐的孩子。 他说遇见的第一个受伤的事就是7岁时,他的父母在闹离婚。他说父母的离异真是天塌下来一样的,能够改变生命的事件。可是他父亲马上又找了一个女友之后,他更崇拜他父亲了。
  "Males who can easily find female mates garner more respect from their fellow men, even children," Rodger wrote. "How ironic is it that my father, one of those men who could easily find a girlfriend, has a son who would struggle all his life to find a girlfriend."
  Bitterness after puberty
  But the impetus for most of Rodger's angst stemmed from his unfulfilled desires for women.
  "As children we all play together as equals in a fair environment. Only after the advent of puberty does the true brutality of human nature show its face," he wrote.
  "Life will become a bitter and unfair struggle for self-worth, all because girls will choose some boys over others. The boys who girls find attractive will live pleasure-filled lives while they dominate the boys who girls deem unworthy."
  He described himself as a very jealous person, "and at the age of nine my jealous nature sprung to the surface."
  Traumatized by porn
  When Rodger was 11, a friend he met through a chat room sent him photos of "beautiful naked girls," he wrote.
  "When I looked at the pictures, I was shocked beyond words. I had never seen what beautiful girls looked like naked, and the sight filled me with strong and overwhelming emotions," Rodger said in his autobiography.
  Rodger11岁时,一个在聊天室预见的朋友给他发了一张“很漂亮的裸体女孩子”。“我看到图片的时候,我的震惊难以用语言表达,我从没见过没有比裸体更漂亮的女孩子了,视觉刺激使我感受到强烈的情绪”。 Rodger在自传里写道。
  "I was traumatized. My childhood was fading away. Ominous fear swept over me. ... Indeed, a whole new world had opened up before me, and I had no idea how to prevail in it. I still wanted to live as a child."
  The trauma got worse two years later, Rodger said, when he was at an Internet cafe and saw an older teen watching porn.
  "The sight was shocking, traumatizing, and arousing. All of these feelings mixed together took a great toll on me," he wrote. "I walked home and cried by myself for a bit. I felt too guilty about what I saw to talk to my parents about it."
  "Not getting any sex is what will shape the very foundation of my miserable youth," he said.
  Taunting and bullying
  Rodger said he endured a spate of bullying in the eighth and ninth grades, causing him to be "more shy and timid than I ever was in my life."
  "I felt very small, weak, and above all, worthless," he wrote. "I cried by myself at school every day."
  He said one of his worst days came at the end of ninth grade, when a classmate was bragging about having sex with his girlfriend.
  "I defiantly told him that I didn't believe him, so he played a voice recording of what sounded like him and his girlfriend having sex," Rodger wrote. "I could hear a girl saying his name over and over again while she panted franticly. He grinned at me smugly. I felt so inferior to him, and I hated him."
  That sense of inferiority carried over into his college days at Santa Barbara City College.
  "Every day that I spent at my college, the more inferior and invisible I felt," he wrote. "I felt like such an inferior mouse whenever I saw guys walking with beautiful girls."
  Rodger在八年级和九年级的时候常被欺负,使他更加的胆小和害羞。我觉得我弱小,一文不值。“我每天都在学校里暗自哭泣”。他最难受的时候是在九年级期末时,他的同学说跟女朋友睡觉了。“我说我不相信你说的话,于是他同学就把一段他们XX时录下的录音带播给他听了”,Rodger写道;“我的脑海子不断在播放着他俩意乱情迷时的女孩子的喘息声,她还在不停地叫着他的名字。他在我心中的形象马上就高大起来。我突然好讨厌他。” 这种卑微感也被他带到了大学时代,“我在大学里过的每一天,都觉得更加我越来越卑微无力,”他写道,“当男生们跟漂亮的女孩子们一起走过时,我恨不得找个缝钻下去。”
  'Sophisticated, polite gentleman'
  Some of Rodger's social media posts were more positive than the rants in his autobiography.
  He portrayed himself as an affluent young man who drove a black BMW Series 3 coupe and traveled the world.
  "I consider myself a sophisticated, polite gentleman, unlike most boys my age," according to a statement posted on "Elliot Rodger's Official Blog."
  CNN cannot confirm the authenticity of the social media posts.
  According to the blog, Rodger was born in the United Kingdom and moved to the United States at age 5.
  He was raised in the shadow of Hollywood, in the affluent Los Angeles suburb of Woodland Hills, by his father -- a commercial photographer and sometimes director -- and his stepmother, an actress who appeared with Matt Damon in "Green Zone."
  Pictures posted on Rodger's Facebook page show him with his father, Peter, on the red carpet at the premiere of the 2012 film "The Hunger Games."
  Peter Rodger briefly worked as a second unit assistant director on the film, according to a spokeswoman with Lionsgate Entertainment, the company behind the "Hunger Games" movie franchise.
  But it's also in the blog where Rodger railed against life in .Isla Vista
  "I have tried very hard to fit in with the social scene there, but I have ultimately been unable to do so," the blog states. "There are too many obnoxious people who have ruined my whole experience at that place."
  'Day of retribution'
  The day before before the rampage, a video posted on YouTube featured Rodger ranting for nearly seven minutes against women who he said rejected him and popular kids who ignored him.
  "For the past eight years of my life, ever since I hit puberty, I've been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires all because girls have never been attracted to me," he said.
  "Tomorrow is the day of retribution. The day in which I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you."
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:liudatou001 转载请注明出处
  Let's be real here, if you've watched his videos (especially the one where he is parked behind the young couple at the beach and professing his hate for them and how life is unfair for him), you'd know that even in a relationship, he wouldn't have been happy. Some girl dodged a bullet on a personal level; sadly, strangers to him weren't so lucky.
  A beautiful blonde girlfriend would have brought him a whole new level problems.
  LilSquirel MaryRedWhiteBlue
  *whole new level of problems*
  girl: let's go shopping
  dude: I'm doing the arrow-knee mission , just 5 minutes
  girl: it's been 3 hours ...
  dude: I'm running from a dragon, sorry, 5 more minutes
  Tim 1776usa2016
  Geeez if I took out every girl in college who rejected me....I mean come on being rejected by girls in college is a rite of passage for most guys (especially us guys from the engineering department).
  Arie Beuker, de Tim
  Same here, i was rejected for ever. I almost developed a sincere hate for women until i finally found someone at the age of 25. Only when i started to act like i do not care about women, is when they flocked to me. Men usually seem to be too eager to women, which scares them off.
  Just pretend you do not give a shizzle works.
  LilSquirel larry2012
  *Did he bother to ASK any girl on a date?*
  some guys are just frozen,
  and can't ever speak to girls they're interested in
  and unfortunately girls are attracted to confident guys...
  Ner9 1776usa2016
  Lack of intelligence, even among the 1% percenters
  zicky Amai Chen
  He should have headed to SE Asia where all his problems would have been solved in a jiffy, including being proclaimed: "welly hansum" ad nauseum...
  他该去一趟东南亚,So easy!
  American News is Junk zicky ? 5 hours ago
  this comment makes sense ... but people are mostly afraid to write honest comments like this.
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